Fintiv Not a Single Step Framework

USPTO Director Vidal has issued a number of sua sponte Director decisions since her arrival. I haven’t bothered discussing them here as the majority are directed to rather unique 314(a) fact patterns that are unlikely to repeat going forward.

Today, in Commscope Technologies LLC v. Dali Wireless the Director issued her most recent decision on 314(a) practices. This decision, while similar in character to the previous decisions, shows the Director’s interest in assuring that her 314(a) framework is correctly followed.Continue Reading Director Wants Full Fintiv Analysis from PTAB

Ending Opensky IPR Participation Underwhelming

Back in March, I explained that the Opensky mess needed to be immediately checked by the USPTO. The legitimacy of the PTAB is at stake when when profiteers are actively conspiring to abuse the IPR process by offering to deliberately file papers for an improper purposes. The situation called for swift and decisive correction…..but this is the federal government. So, we waited for a new Director to be appointed, and then, largely unnecessary amicus briefing for such a unique fact pattern.

Six months later (IPR is effectively done except for the Final Written Decision), we finally have a determination out of the Director. But, the outcome is far from satisfying for anyone that is hoping for the PTAB to start policing bad actors akin to an Article III Court.Continue Reading Its Time for the PTAB to Stop Playing Good Cop

Thursday Boardside Chat

Last month, the USPTO) published a Federal Register Notice requesting public input on Director Review, Precedential Opinion Panel review, and internal circulation and review of Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) Decisions. This Thursday @1PM (EST) the PTAB will host its next Boardside Chat webinar. Vice Chief Administrative Patent Judges Melissa

New Confirmation to Drive New Policy?

At long last, the Senate has finally confirmed Kathy Vidal as the new PTO Director….just in time to tender her resignation before the next administration!  Ok, maybe not quite that late.  But considering it can take close to two years for any Notice and Comment Rulemaking to get through the system, these appointment delays can seriously hamstring a Director’s ability to drive any significant policy change.

So, the new Director needs to hit the ground running.  And, as usual, the PTAB offers some early hurdles.
Continue Reading Finally, a New PTO Director. Now What?

Virtual CLE Program January 24 – 27th

IPWatchdog’s PTAB Masters 2022 (PTAB-palooza if you prefer), is coming next week!

The free, 4-day CLE program is virtual, and will focus on the PTAB from the viewpoint of both the patent owner and petitioners challenging patents.  Topics will explore political and legislative developments impacting the agency in

Boardside Chat Focuses on Multiple Petition Outcomes

This coming Thursday, December 10th, from noon to 1 p.m. ET, the Patent Trial & Appeal Board (PTAB) will offer its next Boardside Chat Webinar to discuss several aspects of PTAB trial proceedings.

Lead Judge Bill Saindon will present the results of the PTAB’s recently updated multiple petitions

Online Form Will Simplify Request Procedure

To date, in order to submit an amicus brief in a PTAB case selected for Precedential Opinion Panel (POP) consideration, an interested party would either look to an Order from the Board in a subject case inviting such, or approach the Board/parties to communicate their request to the assigned panel. Today the Board introduced an online form to submit such requests directly to the agency. (here)

The Board obviously has an interest in simplifying procedures, but, of particular note here is the potential benefit of this interface to pending disputes over administrative law practices of the agency.
Continue Reading PTAB Adds Online Interface for POP Related Amicus Requests