Public Policy Disfavors the Issuance of Unexamined Patent Claims
Last November, the PTAB ordered Precedential Opinion Panel (POP) review of the final written decision in Hunting Titan, Inc. v. DynaEnergetics GmbH & Co. KG, Inc., IPR2018-00600. The rehearing request in Hunting sought review of the Board’s denial of a Motion to Amend based upon an alleged sua sponte modification of a petitioner’s anticipation ground by the panel (here). That is, the POP is reviewing the Board’s role in the amendment process where a petitioner either decides not to challenge an amended claim, or does so in a deficient manner that is apparent to the expert agency.
Does the PTO owe a duty to the public from issuing amended claims that have not been adequately examined/reviewed for patentability?
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