Judiciary Simplifies Patent Reform Debate.....Again
Although promised on Monday, the world still awaits the highly anticipated Senate patent reform bill. As pointed out previously, a major sticking point is the "fee shifting" (a.k.a. loser pays) aspect of the bill. The Senate has seemingly struggled to balance the needs of innovators that enforce patents with the need to rein in patent troll profiteering. That struggle may have been mooted today by the Supreme Court's decision in Octane Fitness LLC v. Icon Health & Fitness, Inc. (here)
Transitional CBM Challenge Program Sunsets Today
The America Invents Act (AIA) placed an expiration date on Covered Business Method (CBM) challenges. That is, CBM review proceedings were designed as a “transitional program” that would sunset 8 years from enactment of the AIA – today is that day.
The legislative rationale behind setting an expiration for CBM was to target specific patents, namely, those business method patents that issued between the State Street Bank, and Bilski decisions. These patents were considered to be largely invalid under 35 U.S.C. § 101 having been issued under the more liberal 101 standard of State Street, and, providing a USPTO option for such 101 challenges was argued by the financial industry as the most efficient and cost effective path to resolution (as compared to the litigation of such issues by non-traditional patent defendants).
But, has the CBM program succeeded in neutralizing this alleged blip of invalid business method patents? If not, what is being done to potentially extend the program?
Continue Reading CBM Sunsets at the PTAB….For Now