Efficiency Considerations Determined at the Time of Institution

Since the unraveling of partial institution practices in SAS Institute, stakeholders have speculated that the Patent Trial & Appeal Board may begin denying petitions that present administrative inefficiencies. For example, where a petition attacking 30 claims is assessed as failing to meet the threshold standard for 29 of the 30 claims, the Board may exercise its discretion to deny the petition in the interest of efficiency.

Such a situation was recently presented in Chevron Oronite Company LLC v. Infineum USA L.P. (here).
Continue Reading Leveraging SAS Leftovers to Avoid PTAB Institution

SAS No Help to Patent Owners

Since the Supreme Court’s decision in SAS Institute there has been much speculation over its practical impact on stakeholders. That is, does SAS favor petitioners or patent owners? I’ve participated in a number of CLE panels on this topic and have been shocked by those interpreting SAS as somehow beneficial to Patent Owners.

Make no mistake about it, SAS hurts Patent Owners…bigly.
Continue Reading What Happens to PTAB Institution Rates Post-SAS?